so it's hard to remember that files were generated by templates, or alts, obviously the simplest way to remember is to put a comment at the top. What would be nice is a `yadm edit` command. It should …
Hi there! I am new to ocaml.
I have _user-setup_ version _0.4 [4.02.1]_ installed through opam.
Recently I've tried
dchurikov ~ $ opam user-setup install --editors=vim
vim > .vimrc: already exist…
Using the following vimrc as `vim -u vimrc`
``` vim
set nocompatible
filetype on
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
call vundle#rc()
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'
Bundle 'dag/vim2hs'
Bundle 'nbou…
When `set hidden` and dirvish plugin, if
- I have a file open,
- and then open a directory (with dirvish), then:
I get an error when closing Dirvish buffer (`gq`):
E121: Undefined varia…
## Expected behavior
`evince` should launch with the preview of the current PDF when `:LLPStartPreview` is run.
## Actual behavior
`evince` does not run. Instead, "Failed to compile" appears …
## Expected behavior
LLPStartPreview should output a live preview of the PDF.
## Actual behavior
The error, E492: Not an editor command: LLPStartPreview, is produced.
## Steps to reproduce…
3、gv.vim master: 320cc8c
4、tpope/vim-fugitive master: ef99f1d
.vimrc Use default configuration
![Peek 2023-04-09 12-15](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/486…
J'ai appris que tu utilisais le clavier bépo. Et c'est vrai que ça me semble difficile dans un premier temps d'apprendre à utiliser vim et de le configurer pour un clavier bépo.
I have installed emmet-vim and all worked good. When I added this in vimrc:
`let g:user_emmet_install_global = 0
autocmd FileType html,css EmmetInstall`
there appeared next error:
`Error dete…
With ale's default configuration it enables every known linter and opportunistically attempts to run them all, silently failing in most cases. While this yolo approach might be a reasonable out of th…