- [x] Add per day barchart
- [ ] Add piechart for gender
- [x] Add avg as a horizontal line on each per day & per hour graphs to show the avg
- [x] Fix the calendar day selector to select mon…
Add a counter to the "infowindow" for each individual with up-down arrows for users to set the number of times visited. See [update row](https://developers.google.com/fusiontables/docs/v1/using#update…
Create a Restaurant Screen page as shown in the [figma design](https://www.figma.com/design/soNxFzBVn5t5vZrbkTjCnu/Restaurant-Visit-Tracker?node-id=0-1&t=nMHPID03iy7o1oJM-1)
This screen will show …
This error is continually popping up.
Too many visits! Please use the new endpoint, and you can find the detail here: https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/inverse/#2020-11-10
Have an analytics module follow visitation of pages. Not google, rather sth OSS e.g.: https://matomo.org/.
- [ ] Plausible?
- [x] Have KSZK set domain for new blog
- [ ] Create a simple alert for…
If the user visits a URL for a feature that does not exist (e.g., because they only copied part of the ID of an existing feature) then our API gives 404 responses. However, our SPA UI spins a while a…
### Checklist
- [X] I have searched the [existing issues](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues) for similar feature requests.
- [X] I added a descriptive title and summary to this issue.
We are trying to integrate the attachments plugin, we have a CAP Java backend app and UI5 freestyle non-draft frontend application which means that we're not able to use annotations and need to trigge…
Is there a way we can track public visits to the website quarterly? yearly? If not, can we create something to track that.
- [ ] Track visits to public website
Based on the image above, even if I have a John saved to my system, but if there are ot…