What is the expected inference time of just running the model on random images one by one? It is not mentioned in the paper and is a very important metric for my task. I checked that latency is mentio…
Thank you for the awesome research!
I ran the code for demo images and it worked perfectly. But when I run the code on few sample images, the model seems to be incoherent.
It would be great if …
I tried to rerun the model with the vitstr tiny version weights but I got Missing and Unexpected key(s) in state_dict issues while loading the model state.
Hi, thank you for your work. This is a very meaningful job.
I am curious if the input size is the same as TRBA (32 x 100).
Have you tried training with 32 x 100 input-sized images?
run demo.py
Hello, @rintoj
How can I use the angular2-virtual-scroll with [dynamic components](https://angular.io/guide/dynamic-component-loader)? Could you provide an example of it?
I get this error when I run the next code with node 4.1.x. it works with node 0.12.x
``` js
gulp.src(src.html).pipe(wiredep.stream({ ignorePath: /^(\.\.\/)+/ }))
TypeError: must star…
Hey, Flovan!
I want to change /usr/local/lib/node_modules/headstart/gulpfile.js the file. How do I override or supplement? Can you save the gulpfile.js file in your local project?