While working on GinoPane/oc-blogtaxonomy-plugin#14 I've discovered that the translatable plugin does not actually run any validators registered for translatable fields.
So, for example, if I have …
My game crashes if i drop or pick up any item in akai's base's center where the rope is
Main Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Pose stack not empty
at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22979(clas…
It seems that "map_block_leaflet_render()" is removed, is there a replacement? I have used it to fill in a custom map by code from custom meta.
Thanks for all the work.
Steps to reproduce
1. Create a Iron Sword
2. Hover over it
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// There are four lights!
Time: 2023-07-31 21:47:33
Description: Rendering screen
## Version information
- Laravel: **v5.8.35**
- Voyager: **v1.2**
- PHP: **7.1.32-1**
- Database: [type] [version] **10.4.7-MariaDB-1:10.4.7+maria~xenial-log mariadb.org**
## Description
## Version information
- Laravel: v8.12.3
- Voyager: v1.4
- PHP: 7.4.3
- Database: [MySQL] [8.0]
## Description
im cant install any hooks, even test-hook. i want to install voyager-e…
### Laravel version
### PHP version
### Voyager version
### Database
### Description
i don't have a hook site, where i can create and upload hooks
### S…
### Versions:
- ide-helper Version: 2.9
- Laravel Version: 7.30.1
- PHP Version: 7.4.16
### Question:
Could someone help regarding the foollowing issue that I'm getting when I execute `composer…
## Version information
- Laravel: v8.37.0
- Voyager: v1.4
- PHP: PHP 7.4.16 (cli) (built: Mar 5 2021 07:54:38)
- Database: mysqld Ver 8.0.22-13 for Linux on x86_64 (Percona Server (GPL),…
**## Version information**
- Laravel: v8.32.1
- Voyager: v1.x-dev e9160b7
- PHP: 7.4.16
- Database: sqlite 3.34.1
**## Description**
clean install of laravel8 + voyager fails wit…