**Describe the bug**
When trying the vue3 example in the Readme:
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
channels: {
ChatChannel: {
connected() {
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
### NutUI 包名
### NutUI 版本号
### 平台
### 重现链接
### 重现步骤
import { ref } from…
### 相关平台
**小程序基础库: 3.5.3**
**使用框架: Vue 3**
### 复现步骤
npx @tarojs/cli@4.0.4 init demo-vue3
选择 vue3 ts webpack5 sass pnpm
初次启动缺失 "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-propertie…
## What happens?
vue3子应用 启用 qiankun插件报错
## Mini Showcase Repository(REQUIRED)
> Please p…
Installing plugins has changed in v3.
Can `vue-mq` be used with vue v3?
const chat = createApp(App);
chat.use(VueMq, {
breakpoints: {
mobile: 375…
### Describe the bug
Docs views injects parasitizing CSS on the page, impacting components rendering.
(The iframe contains code coming from both Storybook and the user's component, creating CSS confl…
### 相关平台
**小程序基础库: 最新**
**使用框架: Vue 3**
### 复现步骤
在微信小程序中 custom-wrapper 中使用 createIntersectionObserver 需要传递当前实例
在支付宝中传入实例只会响应一次 如果不传则正常监听
### 期望结果
Incredibly useful package. Thanks so much for your work on this. I have the same issue as a few others in terms of bundle size. I'm not using Vite, and simply can't figure out how to get tree-shakin…
### Describe the bug
I'm starting a new project, for testing stories on VueJS components with `histoire`.
By reading the guide here https://histoire.dev/guide/vue3/getting-started.html, and by ins…