Every time I try to start my Flutter app with a web target, it fails with "unable to connect to port". I can see that Chrome opens briefly and immediately closes. Here's the error:
#uname -a
Linux fir.nuclix 5.3.0-3parrot3-amd64 #1 SMP Parrot 5.3.9-3parrot3 (2019-11-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux
#webfsd -h
-r dir document root is >dir<
#webfsd -r ~/webdocs
Shoal currently has a system with "hostname" and public IP
This is getting provided to clients:
/var/log/messages:Oct 24 16:54:39 host-10-39-17-214 shoal-client: Sett…
## Steps to Reproduce
1. My Flutter Application is working on Android/iOS
2. setup to Web Application.
3. run and crash.
## Logs
Root cause has already been diagnosed, see https://github.com/dart-lang/build/issues/2516.
Filing here for tracking purposes, feel free to close if you want to.
## Steps to Reproduce
1. Enabl…
## Steps to Reproduce
Have tried on two different projects which are using the same Flutter SDK
1. Upgrade Flutter to the latest version
2. Try to run in release or profile mode
## Logs
## Steps to Reproduce
flutter create --web .
flutter run -d chrome
## Logs
Failed to build application for the web.
#0 throwToolExit (package:flutter_tools/sr…
In native frontend the scheduler is implemented with etimer() and sleeping for a fixed duration.
Any callback scheduled with a timeout below the configured timer duration (see frontends/plan9/schedul…
Should add utf-8 setting in the html header:
%s:%d%s**** ?
I have hit this flutter tool crash multiple times so far. Here are the logs I got:
## command
`flutter run -d chrome --no-web-browser-launch --local-engine=host_debug_unopt --web-port=8080`