Right now I can't remember whether there were technical reasons why we can't host the website on GitHub pages — maybe there are, maybe there aren't — but just going to document the need to migrate awa…
Not so much a feature request as it is a question/ask for confirmation - Now 2.0 unfortunately appears to have done away entirely with wrapping server/container instances and have instead decided to s…
We need to move clayui.com to the gh-pages so we do not get out of the air when Wedeploy goes off the air until we decide to deploy changes of #1712.
As I explained in previous issues, for some reasons I can not perform the `tldextract --update `command. Therefore, as stated in the home page, I use the alternative method, and I delete the cache bef…
there are many warnings being raised when building:
Cloning repository [wedeploy/jrsmq]
Cloning into 'jrsmq'...
remote: Counting objects: 60, done.
remote: Compressing objects: …
Now a merge to develop deploys to the DEV environment on wedeploy, and master branch deploys to the production environment.
It happens at Travis
Is the Multiple Select already available on ClayCSS?
*Selectors* component (https://lexiconupcoming.wedeploy.io/docs/patterns/Forms/selector.html) has _View in Clay_ label, it means _"…