**上海嗶米科技 - Bitme Technology**
我們正積極打造新型態的虛實交互社交生活,已與多家連鎖線下 AR/VR 、互動沈浸式娛樂場景建立合作,提供發行端、場景端、玩家端完整的服務體系。
1. 嚴格奉行性別平等政策並尊重多元文化,公司內嚴禁歧視及騷擾
2. 無花名及半強制性團建文化
3. 使用飛書辦公套件,且非 P0 情況不使用加急通知
4. 本次招聘職位無 on…
WSL with docker desktop and kubernetes is amazing but ends up taking too much memory. There are workarounds to restrict the memory space allowed by wsl but somewhere among wsl,docker for desktop and i…
* Refactor and use html/js/json to "some-level" dynamically serve the page?
* easier to maintain in the future.
* Use google forms to make people report data points easier?
(I had the same id…
Comment chain herewith will document user stories being covered in v1 release
When entering the phone number, the number is automatically parsed as a +65 number. There is no way for the user to change this. This can be problematic as given that there may be employees who are WF…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. compile test.cpp
2. generate symbol file
3. run the app, and a minidump file will be written
4. use minidump_stackwalk analysis the minidump file, the sta…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. compile test.cpp
2. generate symbol file
3. run the app, and a minidump file will be written
4. use minidump_stackwalk analysis the minidump file, the sta…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. compile test.cpp
2. generate symbol file
3. run the app, and a minidump file will be written
4. use minidump_stackwalk analysis the minidump file, the sta…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. compile test.cpp
2. generate symbol file
3. run the app, and a minidump file will be written
4. use minidump_stackwalk analysis the minidump file, the sta…
There is an overflow in the ui::PlatformCursor WebCursor::GetPlatformCursor
method. In
src/content/common/cursors/webcursor_aurax11.cc&q=webcursor_aurax11.cc, there
is the following code: