Hi, it would be nice if you can publish your way to disable SELinux on the S10/20 devices...
I have rooted my devices (Magisk) and try `setenforce 0` but direct after when im doing `getenforce` i sti…
[Current Progress](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/903#issuecomment-459508820)
SIMD is very useful for fast processing of data and given Zig's goals of going fast, I think we need to…
The current implementation of MergeSet operation has a know bug that causes an out-of-memory.
The LevelD…
I've tried the "find phone" feature, but my phone only gives a short "tock". So I've picked a sound I found more fitting. Hitting the "test" button in the Android app indeed plays that sound – but whe…
git version: 698a95d2dee0ba7e9a3f1c39af5459ba506c445f
OS: Void Linux X86_64
A specific website is not working with the following message:
original output:
`verify_chain: Next certificate in the ch…
手元PCからのベンチ実行 と アプリサーバーからのベンチ実行 の両方で最初自分は計測してしまっているが、基準がブレるので基本はどっちかに合わせる。
Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect)
/root/.local/conda/envs/nextgpt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torchvision/transforms/_functional_video.py:6: UserWarning: The 'torchvision.transforms._func…
Since only today, I'm getting the following error msg when performing a search:
`Traceback (most recent call last):
File "zoomeye.py", line 120, in
File "zoomeye.py",…
I would like to build, compile and run xmr-stak for CPU from VS2017
Import from [main repo](https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/2054#issuecomment-720379521)
see `Images/26478854.jpg`
Emphasis markers when interspersed with ruby are another special case. Special b…