Do ZugFerd invoicing.
In Mustang Version 2.10.0 we noticed a problem regarding empty elements in the document.
final TradeParty tradeParty = new TradeParty();
With the changes of the ConfigurationLoader.build() method I tried to implement the internal previously used processor from the createProcessor() method of the StrictRelativeResolvingStrategy class. N…
Should the UBL-Writer respect Business Rules?
So it should look like
Is there any news regarding a JS viewer/ component?
I'm using ZUGFeRD2PullProvider with the profile XRechnung.
I want do add the recipient. It's necessary for validation to add an electronic address. I want to use the leitwegId instead of the email-…
Hallo. Die Folgenden Felder werden von der X-Rechnung-Spezifikation 2.2.0 (siehe UML-Diagramm auf S.27 in https://www.xoev.de/sixcms/media.php/13/220-XRechnung-2022-01-27.pdf) als MUSS gekennzeichnet,…
I have a CII invoice (Profile: EN16931 XRechnung (CII)) that passed Kosit validation, but fails Mustang validation.
The root cause is that Mustang treats the failure to comply with Peppol rules as …
When I create an invoice, these prices have 4 decimal digits: `/rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice[1]/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction[1]/ram:IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem[1]/ram:SpecifiedLineTradeAgreement[1…
The Readme says "The profile level is detected automatically based on the XML data and added to the PDF metadata.". Does this mean, that if all fields that are needed for a "x-invoice" this profile is…