How can I get objects like M42 to display on the VirtualSky map?
Thank you,
As images are taken, write a human-readable log summarizing useful fields: image name, target name, filter, exptime, UT, RA, Dec, airmass. Ideally have some kind of autologger window for a user to wri…
Greetings. I am using a POE for my raspberry pi. Is there a way to have AllSky use the Ethernet instead of the Wireless connection?
I installes all like described on the git. When i start the allsky, i get the message: allsky.service is masked.. If i give command ./allsky.sh preview, i get the message: "couldn't open devic…
After several months of working without interruption with an ASI ASI294MC Pro as AllSky cam on a NanoPi M4, I started to get problems:
-GAIN parameter do not change during night when acti…
Time lapse with the high quality raspberry pi camera. First of all I would like to thank those who have rewritten Thomas' software! But what doesn't work is the automatic exposure, the automatic gain,…
Hi Thomas,
I've installed from a fresh Raspbian build, got everything installed fine.
Setup the GUI, also works fine.
I get a single image after I save the config file, but subsequently all images …
Last night (4/20/2020) was the first night i put my allsky camera out. This question will sound stupid, but how do I tell the difference between meteors and airplanes. Can somebody watch my mp4 and te…
Hi, these are the errors I receive after a fresh install and executing "python3 /opt/RPi-Reporter-MQTT2HA-Daemon/ISP-RPi-mqtt-daemon.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/RPi-Report…
Hi Thomas.
I've got my allsky website up and running at https://www.skylapser.com/allsky/
The overlay and the aurora info are not appearing. I am not getting any errors in the Chrome javascript cons…