Unreadable BMP files (e.g. C*.BMP)
Cause: unsupported 32-bit, bitfield encoded format
There are three classes for 'scapula':
pectoral fin scapula
pectoral limb scapula
Perhaps this is an artifact of the merge process, but for Phenoscape, we would like these to be merged into a…
Unreadable MOS files (e.g. GUI*.MOS, WORLDMAP.MOS)
Cause: new MOS V2 format
I'm not sure why, but `hub fetch bgee` didn't work for [this repo](https://github.com/bgee/sympy-bot). `hub remote add bgee` did work (and subsequent `hub fetch bgee`s obviously worked).
Garbled TIS files (almost every file)
Cause: new PVRZ format
would like to replace wikipedia based definitions for vertebrate limb skeleton terms. The first set has the following requested changes
"Condyle" change def'n to "an articular prominence of a bone-us…
xref fixes (From Aurelie at Bgee)
- EMAPA:18698 thyroid (parent cartilage) is xref to [UBERON:0002046](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0002046) thyroid gland and [UBERON:0001738](http://purl.obo…