Return from the http endpoint:
Prometheus Command Runner
"/data/service-conf/ansible/ansible-diff prod" output:
command timed out
Run at 2018-11-03 19:46:53.80704496 +0000 UTC to…
Hello, thank you for this project, it looks amazing.
After days of reading the documentation I decided to try it out, and my experience hasn't been the best.
The way I'm trying it is maybe a bit s…
`community.docker.docker_compose` only supports Docker Compose 1 via the PIP package, which cannot be installed with current Ansible versions
- Bug Report
##### container.yml
version: "2"
base: alpine:latest
project_name: my-ac-project
from: …
treyd updated
6 years ago
As a rookie to ansible, I have some questions to bind them togetother:
1. There is a variable: `zookeeper_client_port: "2181"` in `ansible-mesos`, but not in `ansible-marathon`.
2. Both ansibl…
- Ansible version (`ansible --version`): 1.9.4
- Python version (`python --version`): 2.7.6
- Git commit hash or branch: master
- Cloud Environment: n/a
- Terraform version (`terraform version`): v0.6…
ryane updated
8 years ago
Hi, I am trying to pull a container but forced with an issue.
Google did not help me :(
Docker version 1.12.6, build 0fdc778/1.12.6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 (Maipo)
# d…
Builds for docker-ansible-lint 6.x have been failing since February. ansible-lint development got more active recently so it would be useful to have up to date images.
Trying to run the following:
ansible-test integration --requirements --docker geerlingguy/docker-ubuntu2004-ansible --python-interpreter /usr/bin/python3
Yields the following error:
**Bug Report**
What happened:
First time deployment won't update rgw zone periods; have to do it manually with 'ra period update --commit'