For those of us who prefer to write our media queries in the same file as the main selector, I think it'd be helpful to add something like [gulp-combine-mq](https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-combine-…
I'm happy to work with either but thought we should get this out of the way.
Are you more comfortable with Gulp? Is there a good reason not to use Grunt?
In the meeting between Grunt, Brocolli, DocPad, and Gulp, there was a pre-supposition that our tasks/plugins/scripts (adapters) are duplicating effort, because the plugins are trying to do the same th…
Do you plan to support aliasMapping like grunt-browserify does? I would definitely use that in my current project. Thanks!
Optionally you can use `.jsx` extension. That will allow using
``` javascript
import AppContainer from './components/AppContainer';
``` javascript
import AppContainer from './components/…
Thank you for putting this repo together. I have an issue in that when i run gulp unit i get the following error.
``` text
gulp unit
[13:18:31] Requiring external module babel-core/register
I'm nearing the end of creating a code structure and build process for my Angular app using Angular AMD to lazy load sub-programs within a main app, and it's all being managed via requireJS dependenc…
Hello! I'm trying to use `gulp-nunjucks` to compile Twig syntax in [PatternLab Node Gulp edition](https://github.com/pattern-lab/edition-node-gulp).
I keep getting the following error, and I'm not …
I had an issue using your .flex-flow mixin.
It worked well for the tweener and new specs. But when I use it with 2 parameters, which is basically the whole thing behind flex-flow as I understand it, t…
Would be great if this could work with the codekit includes for compatibility! (https://incident57.com/codekit/help.html#javascript)
But it works a bit different, it can only append or prepend to the…