Canary has a logic bug with caching.
If someone changes something in the database (mysql) Canary does not get that change.
From the other side, if Canary changes something that should be handed to the…
Platform: Windows 8.1 Update 32/64 bit (No other OS tested)
On Windows 8.1 update the system call NtApphelpCacheControl (the code is
actually in ahcache.sys) allows application compatibility dat…
Extracted from comment:
Showing the playable cards, marks the instants also with a yellow frame …
Hi Eddy :D
I found a problem in the library PVPNetConnect.
I think that the IP of the EUW Server is wrong.
The DLL says this address:
But instead of lol.properties I find these…
Our `thread_create()` looks like that:
``` c
int thread_create(char *stack,
int stacksize,
char priority,
int flags,
void (*fun…
I have filtering for almost everything (including dongers) turned off, except for emulator commands. Yet, "ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ" doesn't appear unless I disable filtering on emulator commands. I enj…
Condition Variables are a very basic and commonly used synchronization primitive - plus, they cannot be implemented in userspace properly. Hence, it would make sense to implement it in RIOT directly, …
It's just more interesting, and the detail page idea would work a lot better. http://spreadsheets.latimes.com/la-riots-deaths/
**Problem 1:**
If your friends/police dp know about the existence of our app, but you want to hide some data from them, but they find the app on your phone, you could give them your fake pin. However,…
From LevelX2:
Ok, got a problem with this enhancement by using cards with convoke. It creates an endless loop from asking the user to convoke some creatures.
Any good idea how to avoid this?