I'd like to use something like:
yasqe.options.sparql.handlers.error = function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var exceptionMsg = textStatus + " (response status code " + xhr.status + ")";
In my configuration I run my code (including a titan database) from a 64bit windows machine (inside eclipse) which uses an hbase backend installed on a 64bit remote linux machine.
I am initializ…
Hello guys,
I would like to know if is possible to set global constants in _api:itemTemplate_.
To give you and example:
instead of writing this:
a api:ItemEndpoint ;
**_[Raised by Ruben Verborgh](http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-hydra/2014Jan/0044.html):**_
"@context": "http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/context.jsonld",
"@type": "IriTemplate",
On aksw.org I got following error message, after I've cleared the cache with Debug > clear object and query cache (because it wasn't invalidated automatically)
OntoWiki Error
Something went wrong…
As far as I know, SPARQL update requests are always sent with Content-type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. It would be nice if one could choose to send such requests as `application/sparql-update…
Virtuoso does not deal well with SPARQL queries that define the bif prefix. The line "PREFIX bif: http://www.openlinksw.com/schema/sparql/extensions#" should not be in a SPARQL query against a Virtuos…
[@mail](http://wikimedia.7.x6.nabble.com/Results-Format-tp5024128p5024145.html) follow-up:
Query: PREFIX wiki:
PREFIX rdfs:
PREFIX swivt:
PREFIX property:
This is a new issue for discussion from #261 and #224 that transitioned into a broader topic around the purpose of `webService` and the metadata around it. Some of the earlier discussion around webSer…
Bei Linked Data Fragments (http://linkeddatafragments.org/) geht es darum, ein praktisches Problem von SPARQL zu lösen, nämlich die sehr ungleiche Belastung von Servern in Richtung Clients zu verschie…