zotelo-update-database: MozError:
!!! [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80500001 [nsIConverterOutputStream.init]" nsresult: "0x80500001 ()" location: "JS frame :: chrome://zotero/co…
### Debug log ID
### What happened?
I have been trying to export my Bibliography list using better biblatex, but it keeps giving me the error that auto export error is not al…
Could be used to support multiple layers of processing a value, e.g.
{{ {{ title replaceFrom="(\.|:|\?)(.*?)$" }} replaceFrom="\s+" replaceTo="_" regexOpts="g" truncate="80" }}
Historical mss sould have a list of bibliography they were mentioned in (as underlined by @abausi on 6-10-2023).
We schould explore the possibility to
- in Zotero, add mss identifiers as tags for re…
Zotero版本:7.0.0-beta.96+4f780424e (64-bit)
选择条目后右键菜单中无【快速关联】选项,且有 Alt + L 快捷键也无反应。
我尝试只开zotero-style也是这个现象,请问大佬这个是什么情况呀 ?
**Describe the bug 请详细介绍BUG信息**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
升级 Zotero 7.0.6 + attanger 1.2.6之后,之前的配置没有改变,可是重命名会失效,在来回重命名之后,最后会 PDF 作为文件名。
Feature request : confirmation of new file attachment and userinput
Zotfile optionnally opened a confirmation prompt and a possibility to add userinput to filename when new file attachement was reque…