As you can see in the container the wrapping does not happen. It works in Ubuntu base…
**Describe the bug**
In PowerShell, I appended to my `$PROFILE` `.ps` script the following:
Invoke-Expression "$(direnv hook pwsh)"
And when I `cd` into a directory with a `.envrc`,…
How to get rid of the following warning?
eli@lzx-acer:/mnt/data/git/jos/mxe$ make
bash: - : invalid option
Usage: bash [GNU long option] [option] ...
bash [GNU long option] [option] script-f…
git version 2.45.1.windows.1
报错:msgfmt: command not found
请问一下window的git bash 如何安装msgfmt?
CMJNB updated
4 months ago
An example code:
pub fun round(number: Num): Num {
let operator = "+"
if number > 0 {
operator = "-"
return unsafe $echo "({number}{operator}0.5)/1" | bc$ as N…
Mte90 updated
3 months ago
**What steps did you take:**
Script 1
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
declare readonly a=10
Script 2
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
readonly a=10
Which scri…
# project specific ast-grep rules
**the powerful tool `ast-grep` could be better leveraged for the project, with targeted custom rules**
### Context and background information
Regarding a recent…
The image is great and really helps me with CI/CD, but having bash available would simplify things. I can add it myself, the question is whether you'd accept a pull request with it
This seems to happen in the following pipeline (cf. https://github.com/acoli-repo/germhist, analyses/scrambling/Makefile, slightly modified version of `make chlg.tsv`: added `tee` commands)
cat $f…