I have 6 different types of cells (marker in pData) to plot in trajectory. Calling the function "plot_cell_trajectory" with color_by=marker
provides automatic colors to those 6 cell markers (c…
Why is there only support for 16 colors?
The full palette would be cool! :grin:
![screen shot 2018-07-06 at 17 10 58](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/36796532/42391641-95873de6-813f-11e8…
ad-si updated
2 years ago
**Describe the bug**
This is really a documentation issue, or I am extremely confused.
`opencv` by default uses a BGR colorspace, because Windows and Intel architectures. `picamera2` often conf…
According to [this Pixls thread](https://discuss.pixls.us/t/color-harmony-with-ryb/39614/26), the RYB color wheel is "wrong and outdated", and the color harmony guides in the vectorscope are effective…
### What is the issue?
As per discussion here: https://github.com/transmission/transmission/discussions/5351
Can we have all the official clients just follow the same progressbar color scheme as…
since the newest changes fpr API V8 the project colors are not visible anymore.
Could you please check that?
Best regards
Mac OS X
export PS1="\u@\h \W \[$txtcyn\]\$git_branch\[$txtred\]\$git_dirty\[$txtrst\]\$ "
Sq brackets are missing around $git_branch and $git_dirty
Not sure if it's an issue with my network/configuration or if there is room for performance improvement.
I'm using:
- RealVNC VNC Viewer 7.0.1 (r48981) ARMv8-A on M2 MacBook Air
- Apple ~~16" Hi-…
I know that this implementation shortens colors if they fall into a human readable color (ex: #ffffff returns 'white' instead). This is great for making code smaller, but for implementations with filt…
## Expected Behavior
That I can have a line break in the output with this schema metadata
Database comment
I've tried sever…