The spec mandates that timezone contain at least 1 of these elements. Will post some tests which demonstrate.
#### Summary:
R is crashing if i try to fit a stan model twice. My example runs with 2.12 but it crashes when doing the second sampling with 2.14.1. I tried this on a couple of different Windows comp…
Have you thought about implementing thinning of the iterations? I'm thinking this would be a parameter that lets you specify that only every `n` iterations (e.g. `n=10`) are saved after burn-in.
This question first occurs in issue #1547 (posed by @ndkeen ) , but wanted to give it its own home. This is a question for the science and coupled groups, but impacts the performance group (among othe…
Credible interval coverage is too narrow for I2 estimates from `metafor`. 017158d9bb6798736e665de2e6a65c8dc61354f9
I have attempted to replicate a very simple partial pooling model from Gelman and Hill in PyMC 3, but find that the `Metropolis` step method fails to converge even in a large number of iterations. NUT…
When using pmcmc for estimation, I note that the package outputs parameter estimates which can be extracted using the coef function. Does the software calculate these estimates using all pmcmc samples…
I've just discovered your nice R package because I was searching for a Bayesian estimation applicable for data for which you would normally use a paired t.test.
My data consists of acceptabili…
Do em. Potentially highest density credible intervals too.
if I run something like:
fit = brm(count ~ log_Age_c + log_Base4_c \* Trt_c + (1 | patient) + (1 | visit) + (1 | obs),
data=epilepsy, family="poisson")
the summary function only shows th…