I'm trying to add `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` to the response header, and can't seem to accomplish it. I've added installed `django-cors-headers` with pip, and I have the following in `settings.p…
Here's an easy one. Let's get some basic tests set up and running. We can integrate with travis-ci to keep an eye on things, and to make sure our pull requests are good to merge.
We should also keep …
in new version of rest_framework, compat.py doesn't contains 'get_concrete_model' function
serailizer works well in this module of version 1.3.2, but doesn't work with version which throwing Import Er…
When turning on PAGINATE_BY in settings [Adding Pagination](http://www.django-rest-framework.org/tutorial/5-relationships-and-hyperlinked-apis/#adding-pagination)
``` python
I have a function inside my Store Model object which make a query and returns Location Model, in my Store Serializer i want to return a field inside Location Model object, i'm getting the following er…
The code I used to test this can be found at [image-upload-test](/Ian-Foote/i…
Hi, Jonas. Thank you so much for doing this. It has been really useful and simple to use!
I was wondering if you can explain me how can I use this to send notifications via signals. For example:
I …
see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/23475; there are claims that DRF is not thread-safe.
here is part of my backtrace, as returned by the django debug template.
File "/opt/nginx/test_dashb…
In django 1.6 they added nice feature in `django.forms.models.ModelFormsOptions`. It allow to add `Meta` class with fields that overwrites params of fields, for example `error_messages`, so you don't …