This is to simplify the deployment, since it currently relies on a systemd service file and a configuration file. The configuration would have to be done via secrets.
The container could be based…
Currently while building the docker image, every time we make a change to the source code it reinstalls all the node dependencies again.
You might find [this](https://docs.docker.com/develop/devel…
It would be nice to have an official Docker image for easy deployment
Hello, I'm wondering why the Dockerfile was removed from the master branch here?
Thank you.
I am using centos.
dockerfile is for Ubuntu. Can you make it for centos?
Self-explanatory. ;)
Dockerfile errror.
There is no /detectron/lib directory. It should just be /detectron/
This :
`WORKDIR /detectron/lib`
`RUN make`
Should be this:
`WORKDIR /detectron`
`RUN make`
[multiple run vs single run](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39223249/multiple-run-vs-single-c…
이 부분도 주석 해제해서 `docker run` 할 때 바로 실행될 수 있게 하면 좋을 것 같습니다
When I try create image from Dockerfile in github, "COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat bin/linux-x64/cyclonedx: file does not exist"