If we want to use Bower components in a Kraken app that contain CSS, JS and Dust files, Bower would not typically install the front-end package files be under `public/templates`. However, it is not cu…
Hey, looking for so pointers and clarification on which routes should i take with a choice of kraken/express for backend and angular for front end.
My whole previous experience with express was api r…
I'm trying to improve my client/server template sharing implementation.
Maybe someone can point me in the right direction?
Initial page load I render a full page _with_ layout on the server:
I have been using [Liquid](http://liquidmarkup.org/) with Jekyll and have found it very trivial to do [standard filters](https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers) for some of the da…
I have been hacking on a project using kraken and I have run into issues with the templates/css & bower components installed in the public directory.
I can get either to work but not both..
If i co…
From https://github.com/paypal/kraken-js/issues/65
This is possibly an error with the dustjs-i18n.js task in makara. It would seem this line would make an invalid RexExp if the path separator is '\'…
The page @ http://linkedin.github.io/dustjs/benchmark/index.html making perf checks is not loading completely
Hello guys!
Can you write a composer.json who would provide to us -the community - a way to install DustJS from composer - and packagist -?
Thanks a lot!
I done everything from the documentation, but when I try to reload the page with the dustjs template included I'm receiving the following error:
``` python
assets_env = Environment(app)