## Current Behaviour
Create a circuit in schematic view, switch to breadboard view = all components will have dotted lines indicating connections.
Bug: You cannot extend the leg on a component if it…
Hi !
In the readme you say that :
11-> (convert 5v to 3.3v) XCLK
Is that just a tension divisor like that :
## Current Behaviour
I've paid for and downloaded th latest 1.0.3 release. Unfortunately, I received an "appimage" file, which i do not like, however, it appears to be completely unusable on my sys…
## Current Behaviour
This isn't a bug directly as it works, but I don't know why it works (or if it is just a gerbv oddness.) While modifying a header pin I copied a 1 pin header (which I expected …
It would be very convenient to have in the skills core section the ability to also add the Matlab/Octave icon without having to create a custom link and then directly touch the Markdown code
_From [irasc...@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/104729248032245122687/) on June 18, 2010 02:12:02_
in case of a crash during save, less likely to delete the original
_Original issue: http://cod…
Gdy odłączy się PMS urządzenie nie wysyła danych (THINGSPEAK - te sprawdzałem), urządzenie się nie usypia.
W którym miejscu w kodzie jest taka funkcjonalność zapisana.
the reason is that if I paid for the 2023 version of fritzing why do i have to pay for the app again and there is a update option to and dose not work stop scamming us u will be hearing from my lawyer…
Hello, i use a Dasduino Core board as the board for every project i make, even the ones i upload on github. To make digital connection schematics, please add the new Dasduino boards. Thanks.
excuse my little knowledge.
I also have problems with the size of the code but feel unable to figure out what to change to make it work on my side.
I used the standard Arduino Software trying t…