The following works well in Ruby(run from file & REPL) and Goby(run from file).
class Baz
module Foo
def ten
module Bar
def five
While I'm trying to add test case for some methods like `Hash#each_key`, `Hash#each_value`, `Hash#map_values`...etc which requires a block to yield. There is a case when developer don't give a block, …
Can be reproduced both normal run and REPL.
a.name #=> UndefinedMethodError: Undefined Method 'a' for
a = "aa"
a.name #=> panic
Looks like `#name` often causes p…
Note that `brew install goby-lang/goby/goby` is needed, instead of `brew install goby`
(Related to #66)
It'd be very nice if embedded module is supported in Goby.
In Ruby, most fundamental methods like `Object` or `Kernel` are implemented as module: perhaps to simplify the implem…
The IGV_lm.jnlp file loads the IGV Browser as designed. I am trying to pass the bam file and the locus as parameters via the argument node of the application-desc node. The Browser does not load the s…
`goby fakefile.gb` causes panic if the file is nonexistent.
`goby -c my_file.gb` generates no gbbc file in the current master branch.
This issue aims to implementing `Range#bsearch` in Goby Lang
Although we can't test REPL use programs, we still need to list some test cases for manual testing.