We probably don't need to see the output of tools unless they fail. Hiding successful output would make pinpointing issues much easier.
The only scenarios I can think of where we might want to see …
I am using this plugin with vim package on Windows and got this error:
Error detected while processing vim\package\40-filetype_python\isort\plugin\python_vimisort.vim:
line 1:
Traceback (…
/type task
## Which area/kind this task is related to?
/label github-action
## Issue Description
Ruff is a very fast tool, based in rust language, which can help us with the formatting and…
To autofix notebooks, I run a command like this:
jupytext "$filename" \
--pipe "autoflake --in-place --remove-unused-variables --imports numpy,monai,matplotlib,torch,ignite {}" \
### Your current environment
The output of `python collect_env.py`
Collecting environment information...
PyTorch version: 2.5.0+cu124
Is debug build: False
CUDA used to build PyTor…
I just noticed that we already have `pyproject.toml` inside the Python projects.
Should we consider to use [Poetry](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry) as the Python build tool?
The benefits …
Réglages plutôt stricts qu'on relâchera au besoin:
- [ ] black (formatage du code, aide à avoir des diff plus lisibles, moins de bruit sur les PR)
- [ ] isort (tri les imports)
- [ ] pylint (véri…
from a import b
as well as
# comment
from a import b
if run with `lines_before_imports = 2` they should result in
from a import b
I've added this to my pre-commit config:
- repo: https://github.com/APIDevTools/swagger-cli
rev: v4.0.4
- id: swagger-validation
args: ["validate", "spec.yaml"]
I just learned how to use git reset --hard (hardware guy, just learning Git) after fat fingering ssort without the file name... How about ssort . to explicitly say to process all files in the current…