P4_16 spec and ```core.p4``` define two methods for ```packet_out```
extern packet_out {
void emit(in T hdr);
void emit(in bool condition, in T data);
The compiler doesn't r…
Hi everyone,
I recently joined [raintank](http://www.raintank.io/) and I will be working with @torkelo, @mattttt , and you, on alerting support for Grafana.
From the results of the [Grafana User Surv…
## Version **2.0.0-beta.8** of [@angular/material](https://github.com/angular/material2) just got published.
Build failing 🚨
Discussion topics:
- Stream notifications for errors
- Stream close notification
- Cascading notifications throughout streams (up the stream and/or down the stream)
- Multiple future types
- Li…
Migrated from [rt.cpan.org#20830](https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=20830) (status was 'stalled')
* MLEHMANN@cpan.org
From mlehmann@cpan.org on 2006-08-03 10:34:59:
JSON is …
toddr updated
7 years ago
i.e. non-emitting states between regions to reduce the number of transitions (p. 3 of http://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.00107v1.pdf). I know we thought about these at some point, and totally don't remember ex…
I have been playing with the [component example](https://gist.github.com/WebReflection/113b136c3a0e49b2ac96c6d9f55615e6) trying to separate the concerns in terms of model, view and controller.
Based on the documentation work being done, we'd like to add a number of extra elements to the generated ECMAXML:
* `` - a node that will contain multiple child `` nodes, or a CDATA-wrapped Markdow…
Oh hi! This is my first issue on `dotnet/roslyn`, so I apologize if I made any rookie mistakes.
**Version Used**: `csc` 1.3.2 (from the `Microsoft.Net.Compilers` NuGet package)
**Steps to Reprod…
This appears to have been introduced in a new Chrome version, but I can't find any reference to where.
Affected/Tested Browsers (OS X):
- Chrome 51.0.2704.106 (64-bit)
- Opera 39.0.2256.15
STRML updated
7 years ago