DropD wrote a script that reads the git tags to automatically update plugin version numbers in the respective places
Hello AiiDA team!
Running the following basic code (taken from the tutorial) results in a crash.
import aiida
from aiida.orm import Code, DataFactory
# lo…
Reported by: jtkrogel
Current (BFD) pseudopotentials were included using files converted from 2011 (perhaps as early as 2009). These converted PPs are untested.
I recently tried the C UPF PP from t…
I was doing some test calculations for Si bulk and was a little bit surprised about the lattice parameter I obtained using internal lattice optimization as well as Birch-Murnaghan-equation.
I …
ghost updated
6 years ago
Questo issue è dedicato ala versione tecnica (vt) del vademecum, più precisamente per dialogare sulle sezioni da integrare
Currently we have a patch for QE5.3 to produce the pw2qmcpack executable. This works well but newer QE versions are improved, particularly in the area of exact exchange and threading for memory usage.…
Would it be possible to get sample input files for Quantum Espresso and FHI-AIMS? The code's tutorial gives sample input files for VASP, but I'm planning on running it with a different code (CP2K, act…
I am trying to read Quantum Espresso code (http://qe-forge.org/gf/download/frsrelease/247/1132/qe-6.2.1.tar.gz) but no outline available.
The console tab in `opt+cmd+i` gives a lot of following erro…
We imagine the following use case, that I think will become very common, using `Quantum ESPRESSO` as an example.
The base repository `aiida-quantumespresso` is public and free to use and contains a…
We are trying with Nicola Spallanzani to load an external scheduler plugin with the new plugin mechanism.
More precisely, if the scheduler plugin is placed at the scheduler plugin folder (aiida/sch…