File https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/test/run-pass/sync-send-iterators-in-libcollections.rs
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn is_sync(_: T) where T: Sync {}…
Solr indexes generated with `biocache-store-2.4.2` appear to be able to create multivalued fields for `occurrenceYear`. It isn't clear why `occurrenceYear` would suddenly be converted to multivalued, …
##### Description
I'm generating an API from haskell's servant-swagger, where an endpoint returns a type `QueryResponse` which is an object with two array fields.
The output file for this a mo…
We need to support both read and write transactions, which can go to either different endpoints and have potentially different parameters.
- [x] Create Query and QueryResponse model
- [x] Create …
Provides a single common Plug-In interface to all blockchains that can integrate with the Pocket network. Plugins that define the cryptography needed for each individual network. Facilitates creation …
Is there a way to update the options in a visualization after the query has been executed? Specifically I would like to create a select box of measures that are available to the visualization so the …
There were several discussions and feedbacks around the naming and the response of:
- CallMethod (request & response)
- SendTransaction (request & response)
- GetTransactionStatus (request & resp…
### I get this error when I call the google adwords api.(AdsSoapClient.php line:149)
#### My servers runs to AppDynamics and error is relative with it.
Unmarshalling` Error: unexpected elemen…
I just installed a fresh python with miniconda, and I'm getting the following error:
Python 3.6.5 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Apr 26 2018, 08:42:37)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'lic…
I am not sure, if this issue belongs here, but anyway:
I've used `protoc` with `protoc-gen-ts` plugin (as described in guide) and generated .js (and .ts) files from my .proto files.
Now I want t…