The UI LIbrary is currently detected on the game dragon soul, it gets detected after like 1 minute of loading the UI in the game then you get perm banned, the same happens with original fluent, yes ac…
## Write server script with following things in mind:
- [ ] server to be written in c++
- [ ] Use threading to handle multiple clients
首先感谢作者的思路,我认为这套方案非常对我胃口,几乎无缝切换各个组件而不需要重新sync gradle简直不要太赞~非常nice的说
应用中保存用户登录成功后的用户信息。现在是用SharePreference保存。应用中有个Service 用android:process 放在另一个进程中。该Service也会访问(只读不写)SharePreference的数据。Service每隔30s 会去读取SharePreference。主进程在登录的时候会去写SharePreference。现在的问题是 偶现在主进程登录的时候 写数据的…
- 一、Handler 引起的内存泄漏。
- 二、单例模式引起的内存泄漏。
#### 在这里陈列的内容是 AndroidAutoSize 框架和 今日头条屏幕适配方案 的常见 Issues 以及解决方案,如果在这里没找到您需要的答案,不妨前往 [历史 Issues ](https://github.com/JessYanCoding/AndroidAutoSize/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed) 碰碰运气
#### 这里会持续更新 …
I'm developing a custom keyboard that have to send images to Messenger and Whatsapp conversasions. So, I called the function isCommitContentSupported(...,MIME_TYPE_PNG) on Whatsapp and returned…
I generated a simple content provider and I get this when i run **Android Lint** on the newly generated classes:
> Do not place Android context classes in static fields (static reference to MyDataS…
Failed to commit install session 1681683382 with command cmd package install-commit 1681683382. Error: INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER: Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.xx.xx-Ts6UtzU…