While I am a big fan of using the cli, my team isn't and I don't want to force people into something they're not comfortable with.
So far I've tried SourceTree and GitKraken and while SourceTree al…
## Repository Request
[Explain the purpose and goals of this repository]
- Git常用命令
- git克隆远程分支仓库
- 查看git用户名和密码
- 分支相关
- 查看git历史
- 按照关键词搜索git历史
- 查看commit历史
- 设置git账号
- 查看git账号
- 仅仅查看某一项的配置
- 回滚本次修改
- 查看本次修改的代码
I had a doubt about the settings of dependabot.
It seems to be a strict setting for the person in charge.
Hello! I'd like to suggest that you eventually include instructions for how to update dfxml_python, eg, pip install --upgrade, if/when available in PyPI, and possibly recommendations for doing so unti…
Is there a way of displaying the names of the branches using the service TeamCity.js?
I'm using git flow and would like to display feature branches.
## New feature motivation
The `major.minor` version of my package is triggered from an external source. I want to use this as the last release and allow semantic-release to only be concerned with t…
I'd like us to have a simple but explicit branching strategy and change some of the way we handle things. I'm more or less about to do this because the current state of PRs requires it but would like …
## Nome completo
Charles Lennon Chaves dos Santos
## Localidade
Salvador / BA
## Apresentação
Criativo e hiperativo, estou sempre a procura de novos conhecimentos. Procuro ser o mais or…