Ich würde mich freuen, wenn das Parlamentsfernsehen und Euronews Deutsch aufgenommen werden könnten:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Parlamentsfernsehen 1" tvg-id="Parlamentsfernsehen1.de" tvg-logo="" group-t…
I got some problem when the server return a HTTP redirect (302) before before the actual HLS m3u8 playlist. The player seems does not following the redirect.
Below links are playable on VLC, but not …
This problem appears in `micro-fstar.fst` in the `k_foralle` proof. After a bit of local simplification the code looks like this:
(* This takes forever to typecheck and fails without the assert;
There is an error while parsing attached XML:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'CabinClass' of undefined
at coupons.Object.keys.map.couponKey (/Users/dchertousov/Sites/uapi-json-…
I'm using that scripts to move my windows to the space at left or right:
-- Switch windows to next space at left or right
function moveWindowOneSpace(direction)
_mouseOrigin = hs.mouse.getAbso…
Betrifft collector/Database.cpp
hab einen Kommentar zu dem bug in Zeile 342 hinzugefügt. Hier ist seit März fest HK2 eincodiert, das müsste wahrscheinlich auch auf mehrere HKs aufgebohrt werden.
As per POC on Graphql language I'm trying to test various types of queries in POSTMAN.But I didn't find the way to add below dynamic queries in POSTMAN.If it is not supported by POSTMAN then how can w…
As per POC on Graphql language I'm trying to test various types of queries in POSTMAN.But I didn't find the way to add below dynamic queries in POSTMAN.If it is not supported by POSTMAN then how can w…
While booking addons, i am getting error, **Free text is required for this type of SSR [UMNR]**
In travelport demo i have checked with same code (in my test credentials and preproduction envir…
It looks like a scala_library target should generate a deploy_jar, which I assume is a fat jar. This doesn't seem to be working. All I end up with is the class jar and the ijar.