Nie umiałem wypełnić wszystkich wymagań (lift curve, AUC). Bardzo proszę o uwagi, poprawki i komentarze.
Oto moje rozwiązanie:
###Zad3 zrobic dobra klasyfikacje u coxik (podzial zbioru …
I defined the following DANN models. The DANN model starts performing well, then the accuracy drops (under 0.1 for some cases) for both unadapted and adapted models. Can you explain this behavior and …
Since that we start to have a stable version, I think this would be time to add a what's new for all future pull request. This should be located in the `/doc' folder. We can take example from scikit-l…
Would be useful to have the option to set a threshold when making predictions (mlr has a setThreshold() function). When using imbalanced data, it's often necessary to designate a threshold (ex: '1' if…
here is an example on how to modify existing code:
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
Hi - I am building models using the universal model (accessed here: http://bigg.ucsd.edu/data_access as universal_model.json) but cannot write the universal model as an SBML file using CobraPy's write…
If you have any interested content about feature engineering, you can reply to me below this issue!
Hi, while working with the Mask RCNN I noticed that it cannot detect long thin-ish objects (e.g. a pipe or a wire). It is possible that I do not have enough samples (small and imbalanced dataset), but…
when I run R/run_analysis.R, I see the following warning:
`Warning: stack imbalance in '
We need a new Continuous Integration configuration to launch the tests of some popular downstream projects.
Candidate projects:
- xgboost and or lightgbm as very popular third party libraries