We upgraded nystudio107/craft-seomatic (from 3.3.48 to 3.4.24) and a bunch of other packages, but then found our upgrade did not work and so we had to revert. However, now we get an error whenever w…
At the XAI workshop of Explainable AI, I saw an invited talk by Ofra Amir (Harvard) about automated summarization of MDP agents playing Pacman.
It's a cool elegant idea that can be used to extract…
This is Robert Engels' implementation of IndexReader.reopen() functionality, as a set of 3 new classes (this was easier for him to implement, but should probably be folded into the core, if this looks…
i was using AWS batch transform with this model and worked fine but since after last week, somehow it complains with this
```valhalla/distilbart-mnli-12-3' is a correct model identifier …
hi,大家好,非常高兴的告诉大家,百度飞桨论文复现赛第五期已经开始了,本次**论文复现赛**共将有100篇的经典&前沿论文供大家复现,以及新增了**工程落地赛**,详细信息可以参考[AI Studio](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/competition/detail/126/0/introduction),大家是否已经迫不及待了呢~
I am trying to use ColBERT for a document retrieval project I am working on and I'd like to ask if I have understood the procedure correctly. I am trying to perform a ranking task based on th…
Feeding `--dataset_name cnn_dailymail` to `--model_name_or_path google/pegasus-xsum` leads to lots of errors from pytorch - perhaps there is a way to detect that the dataset is inappropriate and give …
I've set up CI builds for [asibot-hmi](https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m/asibot-hmi) with [this configuration](https://travis-ci.org/roboticslab-uc3m/asibot-hmi/jobs/231914952/config); note that thi…
**System information**
* Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in TensorFlow): yes
* OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04): Ubuntu 18.04.3…
First of all, using the framework has been very useful already!
I am having two kinds of errors and don't know why. I use GPT2 architecture (in repository example notebook) successfully trained and…