我是用cabal安装的Pandoc,然后安装了hexo-render-pandoc. 运行hexo g的时候提示:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn pandoc ENOENT
at exports._errnoException (util.js:837:…
Reported by KaiYanNju, Apr 30, 2010
It's coolest slider I have seen.
So I think a template to make html5-slide is useful.
The tempate should not have too many features,a video,a text and a mousic
There's a folder `~/.config/templates` that contains a file `.sh` and the following `vim-template` setup
``` vim
let g:templates_directory = empty($XDG_CONFIG_HOME) ? expand('$HOME') . '/.config/te…
Reported by KaiYanNju, Apr 30, 2010
It's coolest slider I have seen.
So I think a template to make html5-slide is useful.
The tempate should not have too many features,a video,a text and a mousic
( moving from unrelated issue )
lime-qml crashes at startup with "too many open files". Technically, the program actually launches, and I get a pop-up standard OS X window saying that "main has crashe…
Building with the TU beamer template does not work.
I am wondering would it be possible to recognize (or flag) latex beamer based documents. They bascially consist of large PDFs for which every animation step is another pdf-page.
Thus, a single pr…
I think it is not clear what the default template is. What does 'default template' mean?
Is it templates/default.FORMAT in the default data-dir given by 'pandoc --version'?
Or /usr/share/pandoc/data…