Nice cheat sheet!
stridx("abcdef", "e") " == "e"
actually returns the index 4:
:echo stridx("abcdef", "e")
Make it very easy for people to know what services are appropriate for which type of data. See https://safecomputing.umich.edu/dataguide/?q=node/65 for a good example.
The edit cheat-sheet command doesn't allow users to edit tags. The only thing that can be done is remove existing tags by typing the tags out verbatim. New tags cannot be added!
In the screenshots be…
The cheatsheets looks great on the browser, and they are quite discoverable. However, they don't print out correctly. I know people that likes printing out cheat-sheets to pin around their workstation…
### 复合索引排序对照
| 排序及索引对照 | { "username" : 1, "date" : -1 } | { "username" : 1, "date" : 1 }|
| -- | -- | -- |
| sort( { username: 1, date: -1 } ) | 命中 | 无效 |
| sort( { username: -1, date: 1 } ) | …
- language basics
- exercises
- quick reference and cheat sheets
- links to most helpful general purpose libraries and frameworks
As part of an automated scan, a file in one of your GitHub repositories was flagged as being potentially exploitable via SQL injection. An attacker might inject carefully crafted SQL code to read, mo…
This would be very much akin to CS2's "crosshair guides" that come on when you left click for a long period of time
## Requirements
- When a user holds down their meta key for a configurable perio…
Similar known artifacts:
Reason for assessing (What problem is it solving?):
Research tasks: (Examples: How is it maintained, price, OS?, where does it fit in the ecosystem, how will it be used?)