I keep on going around on this. I don't think the "Project Ideas" were successful in inviting anyone to ask any questions or consider any projects. It's still pretty amorphous. [Google docs projects](…
Thank you for this project.
Here are some existing projects that we might take into account in the design (for inspiration and some lessons to learn).
https://github.com/jolby/rincanter -- an existi…
daslu updated
10 years ago
It is very much extensible hackable browser written in common-lisp.
Very much like emacs for text editor/environment.
Link: https://github.com/atlas-engineer/nyxt
Note: It won't be as friendly …
Welcome to Macintosh Common Lisp Version 5.2.1!
? (read-from-string "0.6146281499692686 ")
? (setf *READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT* 'double-float)
? (read-from-string "0.6…
Welcome to Macintosh Common Lisp Version 5.2.1!
? (read-from-string "0.6146281499692686 ")
? (setf *READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT* 'double-float)
? (read-from-string "0.6…
As you can see here: https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/library/data-table.html , you recent change from `#\no-break_space` to `#\u00a0` fixes ABCL but breaks CMUCL.
I would suggest to use …
Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-06 22:15:21
Created by **[*anonymous](https://sourceforge.net/u/*anonymous/)** on 2010-05-19 09:44:40
Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/1988
rtoy updated
5 months ago
Minimal reproducible example -
(in-package :common-lisp-user)
(defpackage "APP"
(:use :clim :clim-lisp)
(:export "APP-MAIN"))
(in-package :app)
(define-application-frame superapp ()…
I've noticed that archives are downloaded via `http`:
CL-USER> (ql:quickload :thread-pool)
To load "thread-pool":
Load 2 ASDF systems:
arnesi bordeaux-threads
Install 1 Quic…
Slime REPL buggy behavior:
CL-USER> (describe *standard-input*) ; bombs - The function COMMON-LISP-USER::GET-SLOTS is undefined.
CL-USER> (describe *standard-output*) ; bombs - The function COMMON-LI…