ConEmu build: 210422 x32/x64
OS version: Windows 10 x32/x64
Used shell version: FAR 3.0.5817
Начиная с какой-то недавней версии FAR'а при запуске его из-под ConEmu наблюдается следующее: курсор м…
### Versions
ConEmu build: 160724 x64
OS version: Windows 10 1607 x64
Used shell version: Linux for Windows bash
### Problem description
Linux for Windows bash doesn't react to arrow keys.
### Steps…
_From [MartinSG...@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/116306280495041062290/) on September 10, 2012 12:57:34_
Required information! OS version: Win7 SP1 x64 ConEmu version: 120909 Far version (…
When an MSYS2 shell is launched with conemu, the resulting shell has some Windows entries in PATH, but is missing most of them.
$ echo "$PATH"
* Please do not post problems found in old builds, update first.
ConEmu versions has following format `YYMMDD`, so if you are using old build,
there are chances that your problem was fixed long …
### Versions
ConEmu build: 191012 x64
ConEmu 191012 [64] Startup Info
OsVer: 6.1.7601.x64, Product: workstation, SP: 1.0, Suite: 0x100
Build: Service Pack 1, ReactOS: 0, Rsrv: 0, WINE: …
### Versions
ConEmu build: 180626 x64
OS version: Windows 8/10 x64
Used shell version : Kitty (alternative of Putty)
### Problem description
When I start Kitty via Conemu, the window where …
Don't know if I should create this issue here or in https://github.com/Maximus5/cygwin-connector, considering connector now a part of ConEmu.
### Versions
ConEmu build: 171226 x64
OS version: W…
### Versions
ConEmu build: все версии старше 180503, x64
OS version: Windows 7 x64
Used shell version: Far Manager
### Problem description
При использовании макроса Editor_WordComplete.lu…
goriy updated
6 years ago
OS version: Win7 SP1 x64
ConEmu version: ConEmuPack.121020
I am trying to configure a cygwin/zsh terminal with the following look
This is a theme (based on solari…