Dear All
I have a feature request regarding the TermVector API. I was really happy to see this commit, which I had fledgingly written as a plugin before. Thanks @brwe ! Though, would it be possible…
J'ai besoin d'installer un package dans R sous Travis pour avoir accès la méthode pour calculer les modèles garch. J'ai besoin besoin d'executer une commande du genre :
R -e "r = getOption("repos"); …
Plotting breaks down for me with the latest update.
Doing the standard `plot(x=collect(1:100), y=sort(rand(100)))` produces
Evaluation succeeded, but an error occurred while showing value of ty…
The `GARCH` package clearly belongs here. Obviously @AndreyKolev will become a team member.
Dans l'onglet "résultats et rapport" on affiche que la liste des rapports (avec des graphiques à l’intérieur) ou on affichera en plus des rapports, des graphiques avec QCustomPlot (ce qui permettra à …
I've been using the FactCheck package along with MarketData (which provides `const` Time Array objects that are easy to check against in R, python). The TimeSeries package is an example of this framew…
@milktrader, @AndreyKolev, in order to coordinate ourselves, shall we make up the list of existing time series models (from `TimeModels` and `GARCH`)? We can then think if we need to somehow reorganiz…
Une première version de [la page HTML en anglais](https://github.com/pchaigno/ProjetVaR/blob/master/Reports/Page%20HTML/english.html) est disponible dans Reports/Page HTML. Vous pouvez l'afficher sous…
The Winston requirement seems to be hanging up the testing framework. There are actually no tests to fail otherwise.
``` bash
ERROR: could not open file /home/travis/.julia/Tk/src/../deps/deps.jl
I have fixed various minor issues, but `using TimeModels` still doesn't work due to the error
ERROR: Kalman not found
in require at loading.jl:39
in reload_path at loading.jl:144
in _require a…