For the package form section "Rules for Create New or Merge URL", the package details page shows the data that is written to the table. Instead, it should show the selection text, such as:
![screen sh…
The drop down list for the MARC encoding level field should include explanatory text, such as:
![screen shot 2016-09-09 at 10 37 48 am](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6343464/18396643/a04b…
When a user selects an option from the drop down menu for data pickup type, only the related sub-section(s) should appear. For instance, when selecting "AFS", only the sub-section "Option for "AFS" an…
Perhaps using a table link, or a pl/sql proceedure?
Need to add the full paths for AFS and FTP paths. Also missing "Eloader searches for new files on FTP server" checkbox. When box is unchecked, it needs to write `NO FTP SEARCH ***` to the field FTP_FI…
Maybe add some kind of background job processing queue because the browser connection will timeout if the file to test load is large. Typically for large loads, the user logs into the server and runs …
The data for some of the package attributes needs to be constrained by the following conditions:
1. package ID needs to be a unique, 2-character alpha code
2. package ID should not be editable
3. date…
Hi guys. I'm really wonder of what you doing. It's great!
I've found a warning on building the Dockerfile from [latest Dockerfile](https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zmdockerfiles/blob/master/developmen…
![screen shot 2016-09-09 at 10 36 27 am](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6343464/18396591/5519182e-7679-11e6-9487-d2f3215ba4f0.png)
So that the user knows which server s/he is on (test vs. prod).