I'm having issues with a PHP page that uses sessions declaring, via Xdebug, the following:
> Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.…
When I last pulled from develop, I received the following error when trying to load any page on the admin side while running PHP 5.5.3:
exception 'Zend\I18n\Exception\ExtensionNotLoadedException'…
The two services we've looked at, AddThis and ShareThis, both tend toward having a user account with their service. From that, they can configure the style and options for the clicking on social media…
When attempting to start my vagrant box, I get this error:
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
Fine in Chrome, but in FF the version info draws on top of the modules list.
On commit 622f53c9e8af4f56c228b48913024816c9b61d81; when I go to uninstall Metadata Browse, I get the error "Fatal error: Call to a member function delete() on a non-object in /websites/omekadev/home/…
I've briefly talked about the interface with @kimisgold and @zerocrates , but more eyes is really good at this stage.
On the master branch, I've merged in the interface for mapping Omeka 2 elements o…
When I tried to undo an import, I got the following:
There was an error.
exception 'Omeka\Api\Exception\BadRequestException' with message 'The API does not support the "omeka2imports" resource.' in…
Many changes are up. Changes based on #36 are in there. Basic steps are the same, but:
- The "Configure elements" text is moved to the sidebar (with related changes to JS, so cross-browser looking wil…
So far, there's nothing to handle pagination of responses to Omeka 2 API.
Anytime I grab data, but that into a protected method like
- `fetchItemTypes`
- `fetchElementSets`