Hi, @anandkunal !
It's my first time to use ToroPHP to write RESTful service.
It seems that the route pattern has some limitation?
such like
(Yes, thi…
zenz updated
11 years ago
as you've added composer support in 0dc19c2, you defined the autoload as
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "PHP-Passbook\\": "src/" }
According to the documentation, I believe that w…
I've noticed that in the latest release 1.0.18 the optional parameter 'disableCertificateCheck' has been removed from the ApplePushChannelSettings constructor. This means that whether I set the boole…
Found the gem on google, and tryed it out.
But when i create a the first pass everything works fine.
But the second pass from the same template generates the same serial number and auth token?
Also i…
I'm not sure why they're missing but it would be nice to have these convenience methods as well:
``` diff
diff --git a/passbook/models.py b/passbook/models.py
index bfcbc6b..f3eaf8d 100644
--- a/pass…
Was able to regenerate the card a couple times now, but whenever I add it. It doesn't make its ways into the passbook. Have you observed this at alll?
Well, I want to submit about 15 icons, but I didn't really understand how i'm supposed to do so from the README. Do I have to submit them all separately, or can I submit them in one post?
I needed to monkey patch notification to get it to work correctly with passbook updates.
I can see two ways to solve this.
1. Allow for an optional attribute to be passed to notification which contr…
**App Name:** RSS Widget
**Bundle ID:** com.ashman.lockinfofeedsapp
**iPhone Icon Name:** icon@2x.png
**Icon Names:** icon@2x.png
**Original Artwork:**
**Accepted Artwork:**