- https://github.com/seismo-learn/software/tree/main/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
- https://github.com/GenericMappingTools/pygmt/tree/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
I'm new to gmt and pygmt.
I tried installing it according the scripts for anaconda but when i try to test it it doesn't recognize pygmt as a module.
Removed and reinstalled anaconda and its pa…
[CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/gmt-china/GMT_docs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) was updated on Aug 8, 2020. Shall we polish it based on our experience in [seismo-learn](https://github.com/seismo-…
This now crashes
julia> bar(rand(15), color=:rainbow, show=1, Vd=2)
"psxy -JX14c/9.5c -Baf -BWSen -R0.4/15.6/0/0.94 -C -i0-1,1 -Sb0.8u+b0 -P -K > C:\\TMP\\GMTjl_tmp.ps"
Very likely it's …
Running remove-restore with a high resolution output produces a discontinuity along the boundary of the high resolution input data. This could be fixed by gridding the difference grid with the pygmt's…
**Description of the problem**
Im trying to use block median before surface and I want to specify x, y, z instead of casting into a dataframe or other format.
I'm looking at the docs [here](https://…
**Description of the desired feature**
[Geopandas](https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/) is somewhat of a defacto geographic data structure in Python nowadays, and is used to hold vector shapes …
**Description of the problem**
I have a TIF file with elevation data 0-50m, with small patches that have no elevation data at all. When coordinates from these gaps are used for `grdtrack`, instead of…
# Problem
I have a subset of data that I would like to plot on a global projection (such as mollweide). This works with GMT, but pygmt provides incorrect output.
# Example
Let's create a glob…
**Description of the desired feature**
I think it would be worthwhile to add @seisman's example from the forum (https://forum.generic-mapping-tools.org/t/different-colorbars-for-subplots/1797/8) or…