Quickshift is curretly used to perform image segmentation through its skimage implementation. Tuning parameters of Quickshift algorithm should be made available to the user, making it more flexible de…
When we create a dataset with different size of superpixels, the size of the images on the thumbnail view is not changed. This is because the dataset doesn't have the information of the superpixel siz…
We have repeatedly observed some problems with sphinx and travis. This issue gathers the messages...
Relevant issues:
- #2211
- #2141
- #2010 (upd @soupault)
I'm working with this mex function:
MEXFUNCTION_LINKAGE void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
if (nlhs != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("nlhs != 1");
munum updated
6 years ago
Current labeled images on Report tab are created by using superpixel labeled images stored in host machine directory. But, this may not be necessary to use the images if we use the database with centr…
Hi there,
First, thanks so much for developing such great tool! I'm wondering if there is anyway I can directly specify the size of a rectangle in terms of pixels, e.g. 256x256? Preferably, I can s…
Thanks for your work! I followed the instructions to evaluate on segmentation propagation but failed. I tried to evaluate all folds by executing following commands:
`python run_segmentation.p…
The small size of the font used in the code for exercises and mentor comments, as well as the lightness of the mentor comments font, makes them hard to read. I find I have to move my face closer to th…
*(I've also posted this as a [question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46981745/ordering-confusion-when-re-ordering-healpix-maps) on stackoverflow, since I'm quite sure that I misunderstood somet…
This should be like this and not like in the docs.
`x = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 0…