I've got the error below whenever I execute the command:
**go install -tags rethinkdb github.com/tinode/chat/tinode-db**
Hello, Gene
I have question regarding server license. If we run Tinode on our own servers to serve our public users, does this count as act of _"distribution"_?
So we would like to integrate Tin…
Hello, Gene
I found that in current push implementation, if a user doesn’t subscribe to topic, even though he is online, he will still receive push notification when there is new message on the top…
Hello, Gene
I have question regarding `MsgDelRange`. Why it is having exclusive end rather than inclusive one?
Maybe there is some design consideration behind this?
I followed [the instructions](https://github.com/tinode/chat/blob/master/INSTALL.md) but could not see the web interface.
I run
`/home/me/go/bin/server -config=/home/me/go/src/github.com/t…
Hi guys,this is the most awesome open-source product that i saw, but i found a bug, i cant create more then 3 tags on 'acc' it responds with error 500
Hello, Gene
I have questions regarding hard delete message. So how does offline user supposed to know when the message(s) in certain topic has been hard deleted?
I thought that supposedly offli…
Hello, Gene
I would like to ask regarding setting private value on P2P permission. Why it is prohibited to change private value on P2P subscription? [source code](https://github.com/tinode/chat/blo…
Hello, Gene
I have question regarding `{del what=topic}` & `{leave unsub=true}`. Are these both functions basically done something equivalent?
I noticed that these both functions basically delet…
Hello, Gene
I have question regarding current cluster design. I found that user’s topic always sticked to a certain cluster node. Why?
In the event of node failure this will lead to users (which…