ho notato che negli XSD dei servizi in oggetto nel tag "tipoDatiEvento" non è presente il tag "attoEventoANPR".
È una cosa voluta o è una dimenticanza ?
## Waar zit de fout?
Dit verzoek is aangemeld door Geonovum met helpdesknummer SDIMG-129.
In het GML applicatieschema van IMGeluid: https://register.geostandaarden.nl/gmlapplicatieschema/img/3.1.0…
We've been integrating with XSD 1.1 schemas quite a bit now, unfortunately JAX-B only supports XSD 1.0 and I presume that it may be a long while before JAX-B supports XSD 1.1.
To remedy that sort of …
## Description du problème
Le mode de prise en charge est associé au JDV_J264. Il faudrait reporter cette mise à jour dans les validateurs CDA.
## Fichier•s concerné•s
schematron Decision
Projet MS_S…
The CVR schema has its elements ordered alphabetically (with some exceptions). This means that all `CVR`s appear before any of the reusable data (e.g. `Election`, `GpUnit`, etc.). This precludes the e…
Execuse me, we couldn't launch sitewhere version1.13.0, error in finding link
http://www.sitewhere.com/schema/sitewhere/ce http://www.sitewhere.org/schema/sitewhere/ce/current/sitewhere.xsd
how to f…
Für die Überprüfung muss noch ein passendes Schema erstellt werden.
When I run the "mvn org.cyclonedx:cyclonedx-maven-plugin:makeAggregateBom" command in 2.9.0, I will report the following exception, and switch to the lower version (2.7.11) is OK. What is the reason:
We have this at two of our clients. It looks like this:
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf [
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty gist:connectedTo ;
Am trimis intentionat 2 contracte prin API din care unu valid si unu care nu exista
si am primit urmatorul raspuns sincron: