I noticed that the latest kernel avoids communication on the pi zero w.
to revert to 4.4.50:
rpi-update 52241088c1da59a359110d39c1875cda56496764
Hi guy,
In case you want to update your small table with compatibility, I can tell that this EINK screen controller SSD1606 is working with the ESP8266 / Arduino.
U8G2_SSD1606_172X72_F_4W_HW_SPI u…
I am integrating u8g2 into an STM8 project, and use the C codebase.
The compiler trips up on `u8g2_Setup_ssd1306_i2c_128x64_noname_1()`. Within it (any many other similar functions) is a call to …
The epd init script is not working on RPi2 (running Raspian Jessy).
After changing line 34 in epd-fuse:
``` patch
< modprobe spi-bcm2708
> modprobe spi-bcm2835
everything wor…
mad61 updated
7 years ago
This problem may be in the calling code as the sdcard driver looks fine to me. But it only occurs when writing to an SD card device rather than to the SD card on the Pyboard. File foo.py:
``` python
I am getting a write error on Beaglebone black with Debian.
EPD-fuse service seems to work fine since I can access the panel/version etc. However, whenever I want to send a command, first I get a con…
If I do a full raspbian install, my spi program works.
When doing a clean raspbian-ua-netinst it dont. I can see both spi devices under /dev/
What am I missing?
eN0Rm updated
10 years ago