Very cool project!
I was wondering how one would go about creating geospatial filtering operators such as `contains`, `intersects`, etc?
What data sources to consider connecting with in this platform
- Climate and weather (weatherOz, NASAPOWER, SILO)
- Soil properties (TERN)
- Elevation
@rob-metalinkage @avillar (cc @nataschake)
I looked at some examples and have some questions about SRS representation in GML:
Hey guys,
The process of turning my work groups in house gridding format to be compatible with other geospatial tools is maddening, and it seems like this package could really help.
The lack o…
in, e.g, https://github.com/samvera-labs/houndstooth/blob/main/examples/UCSD.yaml we have definitions like:
properties: # add to spec?
"agent:contributor": # I think the quotes here are…
OGC has a policy for re-usable "building blocks" at various levels of granularity to improve interoperability.
@chris-little and @jonblower agreed that a first proposal would be to register the `para…
下記の`Initializer.IsReady`がfalseとなりAR Sessionの初期化に失敗する.
- Create the Street Closure data and publish feature layer to AGOL.
- Create PDF Map for OSE.
*Migrated from [atd-geospatial #617](https://github.com/cityofaustin/atd-geospatial/issues/617)*
The grid index is using an internal map table to store the data is stored in the tile.
This was the approach taken for the POC, but the performance is going to be bad for geospatial search.
It i…
Hi there,
First of all congrats on the amazing work here, first self-hosted app that gathers almost all features trekkers and bikepackers need, really impressive!
It could be nice to think about…