Looks like data points with filled is_correct values get excluded from Gibbs sampling. But the expectations on those data points are useful for both dev process and the final data product.
Right now,…
The terms ITERATIONS or TRANSITIONS in q(bdb,"ANALYZE %g FOR 10 ITERATIONS WAIT;") are somehow misleading or not comprehensible.
We should adopt another word such as 'Gibbs sampling' for instance.
As I am trying to connect ForwardDiff with Lora, I came to realise that this can work in one of two possible cases, namely when the log-target function has a signature such as `logtarget(x::Vector)`. …
I am interested in LFTM, and I find this model cost a lot time compared with other topic model. So I want to know the time complexity of this method.
Hi there,
I am fairly new to Bayesian computation and pymc3, so this is probably a very naive question.
I am trying to adapt a pymc2 code to pymc3. It is a latent-mixture model from Lee and Wagenmaker…
The algorithm of inferencing the topics on new unseen docs is mentioned in `transform` method, i.e. iterated pseudo-counts (I missed this NOTE at first).
AFAIK, however the inference on new doc is ty…
This is a great little library, BTW.
I ran your example, and besides the plot of the various 2-dimensional distributions, how can I get the actual posterior estimates of the following:
1. the mean v…
#### Summary:
Systemic bug in Stan inference engine
#### Description:
As demonstrated in [C-K Hur, A. V. Nori, S. K. Rajamani, and S. Samuel, "A Provably Correct Sampler for Probabilistic Programs"]…
I am using windows 8.1. Not able to download because of some error. Please help. I am very new to python.
E:\study\edx-dl-master\edx-dl-master>python edx-dl.py -u analkumar2@gmail.com ht
As discussed [here](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/gensim/hgjQPqP-0JU) and [here](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/gensim/how$20to$20print$20topic$20distribution%7Csort:relevance/ge…