When the validator is used with the ResolveExter(n)alReferences switch on, it will not only resolve those references (check the existence), but also validate the retrieved referenced resources. I can …
"item": [
"extension": [
"url": "http://fhir.org/guides/argonaut/questionnaire/StructureDefinition/extension-ite…
Once HL7/fhir-ig-publisher#78 is closed,
Add support in the templates to toggle between the pages generated for each language (e.g. via a 'language' bar).
It'd be useful if it was possible to start up a TLS-enabled server, something like
const app = hl7.tcp();
app.use(async function(req, res, next) {
app.startTls(5007,{},{ key:...,cert…
This is a follow-up for https://github.com/opensrp/fhircore/pull/3385 to be worked on in the next CHT
- [ ] Remove hardcoded string variables such as the one in the below comment and accommodate all …
FYI I just made a ticket to request the addition of some codes to CD_VACCINEINDICATION.
cf. https://be-ehealth-standards.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/ESI-906
"We need alignement be…
debug session attempting to post a Condition for a foreign Patient resource progresses through the interceptors until we hit `SupplementalDataStorePartitionInterceptor.validateResourceBelongsInPartit…
### Gebruiker
Zorgtoepassing software
### Wat wil de gebruiker doen?
Als zorgtoepassing wil ik gebruik kunnen maken van de op dit moment gangbare standaareden en protocollen
### Motivatie
Zoals H…
Notes on option to pull from AWS are found on Sharepoint here: https://cdc.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/teams/CDC-Data-Exchange/Shared%20Documents/Build%20-%20HL7/Case/PHINMS%20and%20CDH%20AWS%20S3%20to%20DE…